Saturday, June 18, 2016


Today I stood on the banks of the Styx, I dropped my robe next to a small pile of skulls.  I stood before the river naked as the day a human was born.  Submerging myself in the Styx is no easy thing, it is wrought with danger.  The ability to be swept away with what I am seeing is a very real possibility.  Seeing all of time at once can drive a person insane.  I once told a writer that and he want on to use that very remark in a television series about a time traveler.  I have not seen it but I have heard good things.

Here on the edge of the Styx I stand staring blankly into the black water.  I can see a horde of souls gather hoping to draw me in.  Their hollow faces and ghostly fingers beckoning  me from the shores into the depths to mourn with them for eternity.  I do not have control over them but they also cannot harm the master of their domain.  But yet I can still get lost in their despair, that is why I have tethered myself to a living human compatible with my own mind.  She will see the who eternity of time with me.  I pray it will not drive her insane.  When I Finnish this and if I survive I will go to her.

When I step into the Styx I will feel all the pain and sorrow of all the souls who have ever been pulled beneath the surface.  The feeling of cold and dread can overwhelm even myself. After this I will be able to better understand my origins, what lead to my creation and why I exist.  Humanity had such a hunger for the unknown, an entity like myself merely exists never putting much thought into where we came from or where we are going.  We just are.  Maybe that is why god has not be seen in a Milena.  Maybe he has abandoned his creation.

I do not know what I will see, what I will witness in the history of the universe, but I must make this leap.  I must know who I am and where I came from.  In my short time among humans it has become and insatiable curiosity.  I must know.  And now I submerge myself into the living nightmares of the dead.  To be consumed by time and sorrow.

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