Friday, May 20, 2016

Death Comes to Town "The Mall"

For one of my first outings in the living world I decided to visit a place at the height of human decadence. The mall. A place where all needs and desires are catered to. It was a very disheartening experience.  To see so many people rushing around like ants going from store to store spending money on things they cant afford while the truly important things in life go ignored and forgotten. 

I watched a child throw a fit for a toy and the mother eventually relent in order to quiet the child.  People had begun staring and the mother overcome with embarrassment opted to take the easier of the two paths.  This will only teach the child the lesson that rage will only lead to reward.  I fear for his future. I decided to look into the child.  Being Death I have the unique ability to look into a person and witness the potential path of their life.  It almost always comes to fruition, rarely does one deviate from their cosmic path.  One atom interacting with another, a series of collision in life that drive us down a path.  Our lives are rivers but every so often there comes a fork in the stream where we can change the course of the current, rarely is this the case.  Life is a series of decision that shape who we are.  But there are a few monumental decisions that change the very course of the river.  These decisions are not always made by the person.  In this case the decision was made by the mother there by forever altering the course of this child's path and her own.  I saw his future laid out before me and it was haunting to see what this innocent child would likely become.  

It is hard to see these things sometimes.  I have spent millennia witnessing the result, the end of the river where the individual joins the ocean of the dead. I have rarely been privilege to a souls content with the life they have lead.  There is always something they left unfinished or unsaid, there are the regrets and the fears.  

I wish as I walk among you that I could pull you aside and set you on the right path.  I know you may not believe I can feel heartache toward humanity with the nature of my job, but I cannot stress enough how every regret and fear you have when you cross over is shared with myself.  I feel your pain, you do not suffer alone.  I wish nothing but happiness and prosperity in your future but alas I can also see the path of humanity as easily as I see the path of the individual.  It is not a good path and I weep for the hardships you as a species will be forced to endure in the future.  You have yet to experience your greatest folly but once that folly has been committed a fork in the river will present itself and that for will either lead to prosperity or destruction.  I pray you take the right turn.

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