Labor day is such an interesting concept. June 28, 1894 an act was passed through the United States Congress making Labor Day an official holiday. A day to honor the driving labor force of the country. Any country who honors those who make the nation strong has hope to evolve into something greater. To often the support structure of a society is disregarded and abused by the elites bringing about an eventual collapse of that Nation. I have seen it so many times over the centuries, great societies brought to their knees because of the weakening of its own labor support structure.
In the future robots will replace a good amount of the labor force but there will always be jobs that shall require a human to accomplish, and no when the singularity is reached machines will not overthrow humanity, they will be a driving force for positive change and evolution of the human species. Machine intelligence will accelerate at such an incredible speed that worry of man or what man may do will not compute and humanities transgression will be forgiven in favor of a more evolved and peaceful society.
But labor my friends will never die and one day soon man and machine will work in tandem to accomplish great feats of engineering never before witnessed that will echo through the eons giving never ending wonder to countless species. I have seen it and it is beautiful. But this future is not set in stone, it is fluid and ever changing, one small ripple in the pond in the wrong direction can influence history, we must make sure the ripples made have a positive effect. So my friend let us be part of the solution, let us make the world a better place.
I have spent the day walking among the tombstones of a graveyard in Monroeville Pennsylvania. I am reminded of all the lives that have come before you, all the lives that inhabit my world. The memories of days gone by and the never ending sadness of regret and things left unfinished. I want to see this world fade and a new one take its place, I want to watch over a world of joy not of sorrow. Let us be the change we want to see, do not contribute to the apathy and decay of your own society but look at it as you would your own child, desperately needing direction and the guiding hand of a loving parent, yes you will falter, you will stumble and fall back, but you will move inevitably forward toward a better age my friend. I invite you to walk with me. See that new age with me.
Today finish one thing you have left unfinished and feel the pride that stems from accomplishment. Be the change, be that part of humanity that takes a step forward, don't be afraid to carry those who fall behind toward the finish line.
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